Hannah Noelle Models

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Amanda V.

Tell us about yourself.

My name is Amanda V., I’m 23 years old, from North Carolina but currently live in Arizona. Some of my favorite activities are ice skating, painting/drawing, making ceramics, and traveling.

What is your biggest dream?:

My biggest dream is to become famous one day. Whether that’s for modeling, acting or singing. I would love the opportunity to inspire others, especially those who feel like they could never achieve their dreams, struggle with low self esteem, or have no true support system. That way I can also share my story/journey with millions of people.

What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?:

To be your authentic self with ease and confidence. It’s important to Realize that all aspects of yourself, even flaws, truly make you who you are. 

Tell us about your modeling experience: 

Coming from a small town in the South, there weren’t many legit modeling opportunities available in my area so my experience is basically little to none. I did a few runway shows my local mall in North Carolina hosted. Also, worked with local photographers on some photo shoots to build my portfolio and get some updated headshots. 

What is your dream brand to model for?:

I have a lot of dream brands I would love to model for so its hard to pick just one. But my top picks would either be Chanel or Victoria’s Secret.

How would you describe your fashion style?:

My style is a mix of high fashion preppy/girly & Chic with bold/colorful accessories. 

How important is self-awareness and confidence to you in your everyday life?:

Self-awareness and confidence are important in my everyday life because it gives me an opportunity to grow as a person and focus on my strengths since having clarity about who I really am can be empowering, giving me more confidence daily. 

What makes you beautiful/handsome?:

Being a little unconventional makes me beautiful in my own way. I tend to march to the beat of my own drum and not follow traditional/conventional things most people do. Beauty isn’t just about being blessed with great physical attributes, so I like to stand out and be a unique nice person. 

What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence?:

My advice to someone my age who is struggling with confidence is to remember to just be yourself. I know it’s much easier said than done but you can’t let low self esteem bring you down or stop you from pursuing great things. We are all unique and on different life paths/journeys so never compare yourself to others, focus on your best qualities not flaws, and surround yourself with people who love and support you.