Hannah Noelle Models

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Samantha R.

Tell us about yourself

My name is Samantha Rollins and I am a 15 year old runway model, honors student, and I participate on a dance team at my high school.

What is your biggest dream?

My dream is to be and entrepreneur and run a successful business

What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?

To me being your own kind of beautiful means being true yourself and who you are and also sharing with others that there is no standard for beauty, everyone is beautiful and that beauty is unique to every person.

We are all unique and different which makes us beautiful in our own ways, and it also means to be confident in yourself

Tell us about your modeling experience

I began modeling at the age of 10. I fell in love with the runway. I have walked in over 40 runway fashion shows across central Florida. 

What is your dream brand to model for?

There are so many talented designers! If I have to choose one then I would love to walk for Versace

How would you describe your fashion style?

I love to dress in elegant attire with a Sassy flare!

How important is self-awareness and confidence to you in your everyday life?

Self awareness and confidence are important in your everyday lives because you are able to take more risks , step out of your comfort zone,not be afraid to go after anything you put your mind too and  to discover what you are truly capable of.

What makes you beautiful?

I try to be as kind and accepting as I can be with everyone that I meet. I have gained so many friends this way. My beauty I think is in the diversity of the beautiful humans around me             

What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence?

I would say that being confident is an art. It is not something that is always easy to have. When you let go of the opinions that other people may have of you, or the voices of doubt in your head telling you that you can’t do it, you will truly soar! You will be more successful than you could’ve ever imagined.  You will always carry confidence with you no matter where you go, because once you gain it, no one can take it from you .