Madison B.


Waist: 36



Height: 5'8.5

Weight: 190

Hair/Eye Color: Hair: Blonde, Eyes: Blue/Brown

ell us about yourself

I'm a mid-sized model located in Orlando, Florida. Currently, I'm studying finance with plans to be a financial advisor once I graduate! I am from the small town of Winter Haven, Florida and still visit my friends and family there often. I am very experienced on the flute and piano. I play soccer and love going to the beach. I'm full of energy and love meeting new people!!

Tell us about your modeling experience. 

I started modeling in 2020 during the pandemic and fell in love with the industry. I have always been an actress and love fully immersing myself in different roles. I started networking with local photographers and creative directors and connected with some very talented people.

What is your biggest dream?

Some of my biggest dreams would be to walk in NYFW, travel the world, and start a family. I dream of taking time in the next few years to go on a solo trip and explore different natural beauties of the US. My goal in life is just to experience everything possible.

What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?

The beauty standard we grew up with was an unmanageable one. I truly believe everyone is beautiful. Being your own kind of beautiful is owning your differences and making them your power. 

How would you describe your fashion style?

My current style is a merge between classic basics and indie streetwear. I usually start my outfits with basics then add in unique statement pieces. Also, for me, no outfit is complete without some gold jewelry!

Who or what inspires you?

My family inspires me. They have faced many challenges and overcome them every time. My father was an immigrant who grew up farming and has had a very successful life. This inspires me to always try my hardest at anything I do.

What is your advice to someone who is just getting started with modeling?

My advice is to be yourself! Many people when they start modeling start thinking about what they should change physically. Whether it be weight, hair color, or style; agencies are looking for your authentic self and this is the best way to be successful.

Describe some obstacles you have overcome in your life and how that has changed or shaped you.

This past year I was diagnosed with a very large brain cyst. The symptoms I was experiencing from the cyst were brutal. From passing out, to vision problems, to confusion, to not being able to drive; it made for a very hard year. However, I've seen myself push harder than ever before and that has been inspiring to me. Soon I will have the cyst removed and I have seen a massive growth in myself and my ambition!!

What makes you beautiful/handsome?

I am beautiful because I am kind. I do believe beauty comes from the inside out. I try my hardest to bring positivity into negative situations and for this, I feel beautiful. Physically, I love my eyes and my smile. I feel my smile lights up the room and radiates positivity. I feel so confident in my body because I honor whatever my body wants while keeping my health in a good place!:)

What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence?

I would say that you should love the face, body, and soul you were blessed with! Practicing affirmations has helped so many people accept their "flaws." Even the most beautiful people are not perfect, but it's about embracing your insecurities and making them your strength.

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