Alysa S.


Waist: 23.5

Hips: 30

Bust: 31

Height: 5’7”

Weight: 105

Hair/Eye Color: Brown/ Green

-Tell us about yourself

I'm a 24-year-old Libra native from the picturesque landscapes of Kentucky. My days are dedicated to caring for animals as a full-time veterinary technician, where my passion for nurturing these creatures finds its purpose. Beyond the veterinary world, I'm captivated by the realms of fashion and modeling, indulging in the art of self-expression and style. Balancing my love for animals with a keen eye for fashion, I strive to merge these passions, weaving a narrative that embodies both compassion and creativity in my life's journey.

-Tell us about your modeling experience. 

What is your biggest dream?

While I'm relatively new to the modeling industry, my passion and enthusiasm are unwavering. I'm eager to dive into this world and absorb as much knowledge and experience as possible. My biggest dream in this industry is to participate in renowned fashion shows, showcasing diverse styles and trends, while having the opportunity to travel to captivating destinations. I aspire to blend creativity and professionalism, continuously evolving as a model, and contributing my unique essence to the dynamic fashion landscape.

-What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?

Being your own kind of beautiful means embracing your uniqueness, feeling confident in your skin, and acknowledging that beauty isn't one-size-fits-all.

It means celebrating your individuality, strengths, and qualities that make you distinctly you, rather than conforming to external standards or societal pressures. Being your own kind of beautiful is about self-acceptance, authenticity, and feeling empowered by your genuine self.

-How would you describe your fashion style?

My fashion style embodies a blend of boho, country, and alternative elements. I gravitate towards the free-spirited, eclectic vibe of bohemian fashion, embracing flowy fabrics, earthy tones, and intricate patterns. Infusing country influences, I adore denim, vintage-inspired pieces, and rustic textures that convey a laid-back charm. Adding an alternative edge, I enjoy incorporating unique accessories, bold prints, and unconventional layers, merging diverse styles to create an outfit that's a reflection of my individuality and love for mixing aesthetics.

-Who or what inspires you?

The modeling industry, to me, is a canvas of boundless creativity and self-expression. It's the amalgamation of diverse styles, cultures, and individual stories that fuel my inspiration. The captivating artistry in fashion, the ability to embody different personas through poses and styles, and the power to convey emotions without words inspire me deeply. Witnessing the industry's constant evolution, its embrace of inclusivity, and the platform it provides to redefine beauty standards ignites my passion. I'm inspired by the confidence and uniqueness each model brings, the narratives they weave through their craft, and the potential to make an impact by breaking barriers and celebrating diversity. Modeling, to me, represents a realm where imagination meets reality, and it's this dynamic fusion that continually fuels my inspiration within the industry.

-What is your advice to someone who is just getting started with modeling?

Modeling is about evolution and resilience, so embrace the process, stay true to yourself, and believe in your unique potential to shine.

-Describe some obstacles you have overcome in your life and how that has changed or shaped you.

Overcoming obstacles like depression, anxiety, self-love, and setting boundaries is an incredibly transformative journey. Dealing with these challenges has taught me resilience, empathy, and the importance of self-care. Learning to navigate through moments of darkness has given me a deeper understanding of mental health and the value of seeking support. Developing self-love became a pivotal aspect, teaching me to appreciate my strengths and accept my flaws, fostering a healthier relationship with myself. Setting boundaries, especially with loved ones, was crucial for my well-being, allowing me to prioritize my needs while maintaining healthy relationships. These experiences have shaped me into a more empathetic, stronger, and self-aware individual, continuously striving to be the best version of myself while advocating for mental health and self-care.

-What makes you beautiful/handsome?

What makes me beautiful is the unique blend of qualities that shape who i am. It's the kindness in my heart, the way i treat others with respect and empathy, and the strength in my resilience. My inner beauty shines through in my passions, my dedication, and the genuine care I show for those around me. It's the confidence in embracing my individuality, the warmth of my smile, and the way I uplift and inspire others with my presence. My beauty transcends appearances, radiating from the depth of my character and the positivity i bring to the world.

-What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence?

I want you to know that feeling unsure about yourself is something many of us go through. You're not alone in this. Remember, your uniqueness is your strength. Embrace what makes you, you! Focus on the things you love about yourself, whether it's your talents, your kindness, or the way you make others smile. Take small steps to challenge those doubts, and be patient with yourself along the way. Surround yourself with positivity and people who lift you up. You're on your own incredible journey, and you have the power to shape it beautifully. You're stronger than you think!

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