Jocelyn J.

Age: 16


Waist: 24.5

Hips: 34

Bust: 32

Height: 5’3

Hair/Eye color: Dark Brown

Most frequented social media platform: Instagram

Tell us about yourself:

  • My name is Jocelyn Jimenez, I am 16 years old and from Dallas, Texas. I enjoy simple things such as dancing, exploring, working out, long drives, and reading poetry. 

    Tell us about your modeling experience:

  • I consider myself a novice to the modeling industry considering I don’t have a lot of experience but I am ready to learn more as my journey goes on. I have been in a pageant and have modeled for a handful of photographers who are trying to grow their clientele. 

What is your biggest dream?

  • My biggest dream is to inspire those who aren’t confident in themselves, due to the modernization of the new generation. It is not easy being a girl in a world full of social media and expectations. 

What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?

  • I believe being your own kind of beautiful is not falling into those societal norms and expectations. It is very easy to compare yourself and make yourself insecure, but when you fall in love with yourself, you learn how beautiful you are on the inside and outside. Beauty comes within, and you have to find that in yourself to be unique.

How would you describe your fashion style?

  • I would describe my fashion style as a mix of minimalist and boho. I love staple pieces that are plain and easy to match with other pieces. I also have a western/boho type of feel in my closet, I like to rock my boots every now and then along with bootcut jeans and uniquely designed tops.

Who or what inspires you?

  • My mom is my biggest inspiration, this is because she is a strong woman. She always supports my dreams and balances work very well enough to be there for both me, and my younger brother. She is not only beautiful on the inside, but on the outside as well and I am so glad she is helping me become the young woman I am today.

What advice would you give someone who is just getting started in modeling?

  • Comparison is the thief of joy. There is always going to be someone doing better than you are, but the more you compare, the harder you are on yourself. Comparing does nothing but bring you down and eventually it will start to bring those around you down, as well. You are your own person, on your own journey, and it is everyone’s first time living. 

What are some obstacles you have faced and how have they changed you?

  • I have had to deal with mental health for a while, and still continue to, but putting myself out there and trying new things has brought me more confidence and strength. I’ve had to tell myself that it is not the end of the world, just because I gained a pound or two. Loving myself is still a path I am actively working on, but creating new opportunities and having grit has helped me so much.

What makes you beautiful?

  • My distinctive personality and love for those who love me is what makes me beautiful. I don’t have the perfect skinny waist and glass-like skin, but I do have a lot of love in me that I want to give to others and a unique mindset. 

What would you say to someone who is struggling with their confidence?

  • It is easier to be negative than positive. You can find a negative in almost anything, but try to find the positive. You are on your own path and still finding out who you are as a person. Before being negative towards something or someone, remember it is everyone’s first time living and we are all learning as we go. You are made to be different and have your own personality, don’t take away the beauty God gave you because you want to be negative.

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