Brooklynn B.







Hair/Eye Color:Blonde hair, blue eyes 

 Tell us about yourself:

-I’m 17 and currently live in Alabama. When I’m not working or at school, I am either  at the gym or cheffing it up in the kitchen. I also love to travel and volunteer at my local soup kitchen. 

 Tell us about your modeling experience.

- Ever since I can remember, I have always loved to be in front of the camera. About 2 years ago I got my first headshots done and started to submit them to some modeling agencies. Since then I have modeled for American Eagle at my local mall for a couple runway shows, was featured in a Tyler Hubberd music video, and modeled for Amelia Couture in Atlantas world of prom show. I currently model for a boutique named Kendry Collection and for an organization called Bash Markets. I have also modeled for several boutiques and brands world wide.

 What is your biggest dream?

- Ever since I can remember, I have always yearned to be in front of the camera. I remember walking around the mall in complete awe of all the models being shown in the stores or on the billboards and magazines. It would be my DREAM to one day achieve what the models I’d fan girl over have. To some day seeing myself as the girl I’d dream about becoming would be the biggest dream come true. 

 What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?  

-To google, the definition of beautiful means pleasing to the senses or mind aesthetically. To me, beautiful means to be whole heartedly pure. Pure beauty comes from within and is not only portrayed physically but spiritually. Being your own kind of beautiful shines brighter through one's inner self than one's outer.

 How would you describe your fashion style? I love all types of fashion. 

-I typically like to dress classy and stick to the neutrals. Aside from the neutrals, I love to spice it up and implement my personal favorite color, pink into my outfits!

 Who or what inspires you?

- Selena Gomez is one of my biggest inspirations. I grew up watching her on disney channel, blasting her songs and now using her makeup products. Selena Gomez's message behind her makeup brand, Rare Beauty, has such a beautiful meaning and really cultivates the true meaning of beauty. I think her message to the world is so inspiring because she spreads positivity and promotes kindness to all. 

What is your advice to someone who is just getting started with modeling?

- My advice to someone who is just stepping their foot into the modeling industry is to have lots of patience. Having not only patience but confidence in yourself will set you up for success. With that in mind, it's vital to be efficient and very self disciplined inorder to achieve your goals. 

 Describe some obstacles you have overcome in your life and how that has changed or shaped you. 

- Growing up, it's been just me and my dad. I have moved several times and have dealt with some really toxic friendships. Throughout these obstacles, I have learned a lot about the power of one's mindset. Remaining positive and always finding a light at the end of the tunnel has been a life changing shift in thought. Not only remaining positive but remaining truly kind has shaped me into the confident young woman I am. I believe that what you go through in life does not in any way shape or form dictate your worth. Without the hardships I've endured, I would not be the person I am today.

 What makes you beautiful/handsome?

- I believe that my true beauty comes from within. I do my best to make everyone feel seen and loved. Being beautiful on the surface is not nearly as important as being truly beautiful on the inside and spreading my love of kindness to all is what makes me truly beautiful. 

 What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence?

- If you are struggling with your confidence, I encourage you to remember that your beauty is not defined by the world's typical beauty standards but it's defined by what's within. Remind yourself that the beauty of your soul and the mark you leave on others is what makes you truly beautiful.

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