Paloma R.







Tell us about yourself

Hello! I'm Paloma, I’m a San Antonio-based model with a profound love for capturing my art through a lens. I’d say I’m pretty adventurous girl. I love trying new things and enjoy learning different cultures across the globe. I’m a persevere women who’s willing to take down any challenge. 


Tell us about your modeling experience. 

My fascination with modeling sparked in my freshman year of high school, where I discovered the joy of freezing moments in time and expressing my creativity. Over the years, I've honed my skills, exploring various techniques and styles to develop my unique artistic voice. Who would’ve thought one photoshoot that my friends and I did for fun would create this passion that I have for modeling today.

What is your biggest dream?

My mother was an actress and a singer for our church when I was little. So because of her I’ve always wanted to sing and act. I’ve done some acting here and there but singing.. its like I vision myself singing on stage in front of thousands of people, yet again that’s how i imagined while in the shower. But honestly my biggest dream is to be a performer to just sing and dance in front of thousands of people would be a dream come true. 

What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful? 

In my eyes, being beautiful in your own way is being your authentic self.  Not being afraid of being judged. To embrace your unique features and not compare yourself to others. Look at it like this. A sunset is as beautiful as a bouquet of flowers. Everyone is beautiful in their own way.

How would you describe your fashion style? Who or what inspires you? 

The old money style really inspires me. Makes me feel like a boss lady.  When I look at outfit ideas I look at that because in my opinion, that style makes you so super feminine yet conservative. And I like that. But in modern times I really like Bella Hadid style. It also really depends what my mood is. I quite enjoy all types of styles. If you look go you feel good. 

What is your advice to someone who is just getting started with modeling? 

The modeling industry can be exciting yet challenging. There’s going to be a lot of no’s before you get your first yes so be easy on yourself. Rejection is God’s protection, you actually learn a lot from every experiences you go through. Educating yourself can be very beneficial. It can teach you the different types of modeling that’s out there. Building a portfolio is a great way to start in the modeling industry. It shows agents/ agencies the work you’ve done and shows them the different versions of you! Beware of scams. It sucks that people lie to you just to steal your money. If you ever given an opportunity. DO YOUR RESEARCH before signing or doing anything!

Describe some obstacles you have overcome in your life and how that has changed or shaped you. 

I could write a book about this but towards the end of 2021, it was the most darkest, lowest and worst year of my life. I was very suicidal/ depressed. I tried ending my life 3 times. I would beg God to just let me sleep forever. I went to therapy for the first time of my life. Went through your typical meditation routine. I went to the hospital for suicide watch and hearing my mother cried next to my bed because her own daughter in green scrubs wanted to die was heartbreaking. A very traumatic experience for her and to this day I regret that trauma I gave her. I went to 2 mental health hospitals. I wasn’t myself. I was lost, broken and just done with life. It was New Year’s Eve, few hours until 2023. I was alone in my room. I  officially committed to just ending it all. I know.. sounds very selfish of me to end my life on New Year’s Eve but that’s where my mentality was at at that time. I wrote a suicide note. Tears rolling down my face, screaming at God while hearing fireworks pop outside my house will always remind me of that day every year. The moment I swallowed the pills.. oh the regret I felt. I accept it though. I accepted the fact that I could either wake up or not. I remember I wrote what I took on my notes in my phone just incase my attempt was successful. The moment my eyes opened, I ran to my window to see the same tree I see every morning. To finish, I had the best year of my existence. 2023 was by far the BEST year of my life. Like I said I could write a novel about my experience but from that day, I knew God wasn’t finished with me. Post traumatic growth is real and I’m proud of myself overcoming that dark chapter of my life and made me the women I am today.

What makes you beautiful/handsome?

My heart. The way I’m empathetic towards others. I will always give out advice and support other people. I’ll be that shoulder to cry on. I don’t judge people because we are human after all. To love people and to care about others because it cost nothing to be kind to others. 

What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence

 The most well known models also struggled with self confidence. Focus on what you like about yourself. Never compare yourself to other people because comparison is the thief of joy. Everyone has felt insecure at one point but getting to the root of the problem and finding out where your insecurities come from can help you develop the tools to become more confident. Love yourself and be easy on yourself because your body goes through a lot to protect your unique self.

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