Elianna W.

Elianna W.

Connecticut, USA

Tell us about yourself.

Hello! I’m Elianna W., I’m thirteen years old, and I am from Connecticut. Besides acting, modeling, singing and dancing, I love spending time with my family, having fun with my friends, and taking my dog on hikes. My dog is super funny! Something many people don’t know about me, is that I love to travel! Cruising is my favorite! 

Tell us about your modeling experience.

One year ago, I started getting into the modeling industry, so you can consider me still a rookie. Although I may be a rookie, I pick up new skills really fast. I have experience in many photo shoots, and know what looks good on camera for me. I have been to auditions, but haven’t landed any modeling jobs. I like to say that it takes 100 auditions just to get 1 job. Therefor, I will keep on trying! 

What is your biggest dream?

My biggest dream, has always been to land a lead in a feature film, or a hit television show. This dream means the world to me! Being able to show many people my talent and my passion, gives me the motivation that I use today! 

What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?

This is a question and an answer, that I believe many girls need to hear in this time. Being my own kind of beautiful means to me, that I accept who I am for the beauty that I was blessed with inside and out. I believe we don’t need to compare ourselves, rather we just need to make our old self jealous; Meaning, that we need to show ourselves the best in ourselves, and strive to get even better every single day. 

How would you describe your fashion style?

I would describe my style as very trendy but I also like to be a trendsetter. I prefer more of a girly style, but also can be very vintage sometimes. I always love to be confident in any outfit I choose.

Who or what inspires you? 

My main inspiration/idol, is Ariana Grande. What inspires me about Ariana, is that what ever is thrown in her way, she will push through, and exceed many expectations that other people had. That is one of my main goals in life. I would love to try and absorb that aspect of hers, while still being myself.

 What is your biggest accomplishment

My biggest accomplishment in life, ended up being one of my main obstacles, and has shaped me for where I am now. This accomplishment is still in the making. When I was five, I was paralyzed from the neck down due to a virus in the spinal cord. Due to this, my physical ability was limited, and I had to work hard every single day, to get to where I am now. Recently, I have been focusing on strengthening my muscles more than I ever have. Even though it may not seem too visible, it is visible to me on the inside, and it makes me who I am today.

Do you have any special talents? 

My special talents besides my main talents, is playing the ukulele. Playing this instrument is super fun and I love to do it! 

What makes you beautiful?

What I believe makes me beautiful, is my inner beauty. I believe that my inner beauty shines through to my outer beauty. My kindness, determination, love, passion, loyalty, etcetera, shows the real beauty of who I am. 

What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence?

For all of the boys and girls struggling with their confidence, I would tell them that they have to be themselves, and be the best that they can be, not by comparing themselves to other people. They have to realize that they are beautiful for who they are.