Alexandra T.

Alexandra T.

Pennsylvania, USA.

Tell us about yourself.

Hello! My name is Alexandra, and I’m 19 from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I attend Kent State University as a Fashion Merchandising major with a minor in Fashion Media. I attended a performing arts high school where I was a dance major! I have been dancing for 17 years and love to perform!

What is your biggest dream?

My biggest dream is to work at Vogue Head Quarters in any way possible. 

What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful?

In the modeling industry, I have struggled with my height being below “average.”  I went through a period of time where I did not feel beautiful enough to model and felt unworthy due to my height. I soon realized that everyone has unique traits that make them beautiful!  Some people have blue eyes, some have brown; some people are tall, and some are short, etc. YOU are your own kind of beautiful. Embrace the unique traits!!

Tell us about your modeling experience.

I began modeling whenever I was 15 years old and featured in an online magazine. Since then, I have worked with more magazines as a commercial model and have had anything from small features to covers. In addition, I have worked with many photographers for photo books, art shows, or personal portfolio work. I absolutely love what I do and cannot wait to discover more opportunities!  

What is your dream brand to model for?

Victoria Secret and Vogue are my dream brands! As I stated earlier, I am not as tall as other runway models, but the world is quickly changing and diversity is more embraced than ever, so maybe one day VS will call for petite models. 


How would you describe your fashion style?

My fashion style is very vintage with a hint of the 1970s. I always gravitate toward pieces that my mom used to wear.

How important is self-awareness and confidence to you in your everyday life?

As someone who has struggled with anxiety their whole life, self-awareness and confidence has been a constant challenge. It is something that I feel we all need to take time out of our day to focus on. It is extremely important to be both self-aware and confident. Many people overlook the importance, which can lead to a negative self-image; take time for self-care!

What makes you beautiful/handsome?

Anything can make you beautiful or handsome! Maybe you have a cute freckle on your nose or maybe you have a contagious laugh. People have kindness that radiate from their soul onto their face, making them beautiful. The possibilities are endless. Everyone is different; you can define your OWN kind of beautiful!

What would you say to another girl/guy your age who is struggling with their confidence?

I understand. I understand that feeling, and it can be so challenging. My best advice is to find something that you truly value in yourself (I’m sure there are many things!) and focus on that. Whenever you feel uncomfortable or not confident, think about that thing(s) and tell yourself how wonderfully unique you are!