Jenna K.


Waist: 24

Hips: 34.5 

Bust 29.5 

Height: 5’5


Hair color/ eye color: brown with blonde balayage, brown 

Tell us about yourself:

My name is Jenna, I live in Greenville South Carolina but I am originally from Iowa. I am 17 years old and a senior at a public high school. Along with modeling, I love fitness. I go to the gym four to five times a week, and I really enjoy running and lifting weights. I also have a passion for baking and cooking, and I actually work at a bakery when I’m not trying to get in front of a camera! I am a huge people person and I love hanging out with my friends, or signing up for different things to meet new people. 

Tell us about your modeling experience:

When I was ten, I competed in a beauty competition which grew my interest in modeling. In 2023 I competed in another competition for acting and modeling and ended up being signed with an agency. Since then, I have pursued modeling on the side, but I am excited to be able to devote more time to it. 

What is your biggest dream?

My biggest dream is to be a Doctor of Physical Therapy with my own private practice. In relation to that, I also wish to be bilingual with a second language of Spanish. I want to help people, and I would be able to do that with twice as many people if I spoke Spanish fluently. 

What does it mean to be my own kind of beautiful?

I think being beautiful is to have a kind heart. People who are kind are the most beautiful, and they alway shine from the inside out. Outer beauty can not compare to having a compassionate heart and mind. 

How would you describe your fashion style:

I would describe my fashion style as mostly athletic wear, and streetwear. For the most part, my outfit depends on the season.

Who or what inspires you:

I would say that the person who inspires me most is the social media influencer Alix Earle. I love the way she is so confident, gives off the best positive vibes, and always tells things the way they are.

What is your advice to someone who is just getting started with modeling:

If I had to give advice to someone who is just starting modeling, I would tell them to trust the process. It is such a hard industry to get into and you will hear no more often than you will hear yes, but you can not let that discourage you. Stay strong and have confidence in yourself, and most importantly never give up. 

Obstacles i've overcome and how it shaped me:

The biggest obstacle I’ve faced is moving two times over the course of three years. First, I moved from my hometown which was everything I’ve ever known, then two years later I moved halfway across the country. It was really hard to leave all my family and friends behind, but in the end it made me more resilient. Every time I’ve moved, my knowledge of different cultures, and areas has expanded and I am so grateful for all the opportunities that my moves have brought. 

What makes me beautiful: I think that my personality makes me beautiful.

I am kind to everyone I meet, and I always try my best to be a positive influence on the people around me. 

What would I say to another girl my age struggling with their confidence:

If a girl my age was struggling with confidence I would tell her two things. First, fake it until you make it because if you pretend to be confident, everyone else will pick up on it and believe that you are confident. Second, I would tell her that life is too short to have anything but full faith in herself.

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